Bikes and Gear

30 U.S. Bike Shares Open During Winter

30 U.S. Bike Shares Open During Winter

Bundle Up and Ride Year 'Round on These Bike Shares

Many cities who operate bike sharing programs pack up their kiosks for the winter months, rather than operate through potential snow and ice. Some cities, however, have decided to keep their bike share systems open and running during the winter months, which means that visitors coming in for the holidays have an easy option for getting around town.

Holidays by Bike in North America

Holidays by Bike in North America

Santa Rampage, Xmas Trees on Bikes, Shopping and more!

The holidays are a great time for festivities on two wheels, it turns out. We know of plenty here in our back yard in New England, but our friends across North America have turned us on to plenty of other bike-themed happenings in their cities, too. We've collected many of them below for you, and we hope that your 2015 holiday season is a happy, healthy, and bikey one.

The IT Chair for Bromptons

The IT Chair for Bromptons

Let's say I told you that you were going to take a child between the ages of 2 and 6ish on a trip with you, and you wanted to bike around once you got there. Nothing long distance, just tooling around the city, seeing the sights, going to museums, etc. How would you do it? What options spring to mind? Would you try to check a full-sized bike and a rear kid seat for it? Or, like most people, would you start googling bike rental options in the new city?