
30 U.S. Bike Shares Open During Winter

30 U.S. Bike Shares Open During Winter

Bundle Up and Ride Year 'Round on These Bike Shares

Many cities who operate bike sharing programs pack up their kiosks for the winter months, rather than operate through potential snow and ice. Some cities, however, have decided to keep their bike share systems open and running during the winter months, which means that visitors coming in for the holidays have an easy option for getting around town.

Biking to Boston Logan Airport

Biking to Boston Logan Airport

Maybe your flight is eeeeearly, before the T is running. Maybe you don't like cabs. Maybe you're planning to bring your folding bike with you on your trip. Maybe you're just looking to kick off your vacation with a sense of accomplishment. Maybe you're looking to arrive for your flight alert and ready. Maybe you just like the sound of it... biking to Logan Airport. Well my friend, you're in luck, because it's easier than you probably imagined. Let's get into it.

Bike Share or Rental Bike?

Bike Share or Rental Bike?

Throughout our travels, I’ve had the opportunity to bring my own bike (folding and full sized), I've rented bikes once I arrived, and I've used bike shares. For most people traveling somewhere far away, the decision usually boils down to one of the last two: renting a bike there, or using that city's bike share program. This week we will offer our thoughts on the goods and the bads of both scenarios, and why making the decision isn’t really as simple as it sounds.

Can I Take My Bike On That Bus?

Can I Take My Bike On That Bus?

Buses and bikes ought to be a match made in heaven, particularly with long distance buses that travel between cities. Those bigger buses have plenty of room in their cargo holds for bikes – especially folding bikes – and cyclists looking to easily extend their routes make great paying customers for bus lines. Why, then, is the experience of bringing a bike on a bus sometimes a baffling ordeal, or not even possible at all?